Saturday, 28 June 2014

Where are all the Sheep?: Reality vs Marketing

Weed covered solar farm in Wiltshire
Sheep. According to DEFRA there are about 36 million sheep in the UK. That means that there is about one sheep for every two people! So where are they all? and why arn't we literally tripping over them?

The simple truth is because they are farmed on the low grade land across the country. Sheep inhabit the Welsh Mountains, the Lake District, Dartmoor and Exmoor, The Yorkshire Moors and Yorkshire Dales. They are the creatures of the wild open places.

Monitoring the countryside: People must not go where the weeds now grow
That is why it is very unlikely that you will ever find them fenced in to an industrial solar site, where the grass will struggle to grow in the shade and the exposed cable routes would provide an ever present danger to any livestock.

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