Monday 14 October 2013

The Times reports

The Times carried an article on Wednesday Oct 9th (Business section, p.21) which contained the following paragraphs
''Greg Barker, the Energy Minister, said he wanted to see 20GW of solar power installed by 2020 but only 'if solar PV developers work closer with local communities'. He said about 7GW of the 20GW could be solar farms but he would take action if necessary to prevent them being built on prime agricultural land or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Mr Barker said local communities 'must be willing partners' for solar farms, but added 'there is not an absolute veto'.
In July, the government issued new planning guidance in an attempt to address concerns about solar farms. This required planners to take greater account of their visual impact and 'effects on cultural and heritage landscapes'. Mr Barker said he would seek to tighten the rules further if solar farm developers focused too heavily on sites of open countryside.''

(Thanks to Pat for spotting this article)

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